The 2024 Georgia and Knoxville Summer School of Truth will be held at Wafloy Retreat Center in Gatlinburg, TN from Thursday, June 20th to Lord’s Day, June 23rd. Activities will consist of group singing, reading and listening to the word of God, group projects, team sports, and corporate meals.
The purpose of the Summer School of Truth is to minister the divine truths to nourish the young people with the goal of cultivating their personal experience and enjoyment of the Lord. Our prayer and earnest hope is that their faith in the Lord and love for Him would grow and develop to produce them as the Lord’s genuine testimony today.
When: Thursday, June 20 - Lord's Day, June 23, 2024
Where: Wafloy Mountain Retreat (3610 East Parkway, Gatlinburg, TN 37738)
Youth: $250 for first child in a household; $225 for second child of the same household; $200 for third child of the same household.
Serving ones: $250 for first serving one in a household, $225 for second serving one of the same household.
Deadline to register:
Serving ones: May 11
Youth: May 25