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Announcements—Week of December 10, 2023

The Holy Word for Morning Revival

This week we will start weeks 7 and 8 of An Overview of the Central Burden and Present Truth of the Lord’s Recovery before His Appearing: "The Two Aspects of God’s Complete Salvation—Judicial Redemption Plus Organic Salvation" and "Reigning in Life."

This Holy Word for Morning Revival provides a limited review of the July 2023 Semiannual Training held in Anaheim, California, on July 3–8, 2023.


eBooks: Apple Books (vol. 1, vol. 2), Kindle (vol. 1, vol. 2), Google Playbooks (vol. 1, vol. 2),


Direct Mail Service (DMS): A subscription allows you to receive the next Holy Word for Morning Revival publication automatically.

As a practical reminder to the saints, the space provided at the end of each week is for composing a short prophecy. This prophecy can be composed by considering all of our daily notes, the "harvest" of our inspirations during the week, and preparing a main point with some sub-points to be spoken in the church meetings for the organic building up of the Body of Christ.

Ministry Meeting (Lord's Day)

The general subject for the Ministry Meetings this term is The Crucial Points of the Truth in Paul's Epistles—1 Corinthians. We will watch message 14, "Living in the Blending and Reality of the Body of Christ," at 5 ᴘ.ᴍ. tonight. Please see the church calendar for the Zoom links and outlines.

Community Visitation Team (Tuesday)

The community visitation team coordinates every Tuesday at 9:30 ᴀ.ᴍ. via Zoom. Please see this page for the Zoom link.

YP Burdened Ones Prayer Time (Tuesday)

All saints who are burdened for our young people are welcome to join our weekly prayer time on Tuesday from 8:30–9:00 ᴘ.ᴍ. Please reach out to Matthew Nichols for the Zoom link.

Prayer Meeting (Wednesday)

The prayer meeting will be held in person by districts every Wednesday at 7:30 ᴘ.ᴍ. An option to meet on Zoom will be available. Please see the church calendar for the locations and prayer burdens.


Church Texting Service

The church in Atlanta has an updated texting service to send general announcements and reminders to the saints. If you would like to enroll in the new service, you may text the word "updates" to (770) 562-7187 and follow the directions that are texted back to you. You may also sign up for district-specific announcements using this same means.


Southeast Campus Team Retreat

The church will host the upcoming Southeast campus team retreat from Lord's Day, December 10, through Wednesday, December 13. Approximately 45 saints from the various campus teams in the Southeast will be attending.

All-Districts Lord's Day Meeting

The next All-Districts Meeting will be December 17, 2023, at the meeting place of District Four: 5175 S Royal Atlanta Dr., Tucker, GA 30084.

2023 December Semiannual Video Training

Subject: Laboring on the All-inclusive Christ Typified by the Good Land for the Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ, for the Reality and the Manifestation of the Kingdom, and for the Bride to Make Herself Ready for the Lord’s Coming.

The church will conduct the 2023 December Semiannual Video Training from December 25, 2023, through Friday, January 5, 2024. The deadline for registering for the video training is December 10, 2023, at 5 ᴘ.ᴍ., after which there will be an additional late fee. Please see our announcement page for the video training schedule and to register.

2024 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference

The 2024 International Chinese-speaking Blending Conference will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, from Saturday, February 10, 2024, through Lord’s Day, February 11, 2024.



  • December 10–13, 2023—Southeast Campus Team Retreat (Atlanta, GA)

  • December 25–30, 2023—December Semiannual Training (Anaheim, CA)

  • February 10–11, 2024—Int'l Chinese-speaking Blending Conference (Taipei, Taiwan)

  • February 23–25, 2024—Southeast College Conference (Camp Westminster, GA)

  • February 2024—Church in Atlanta Business Meeting (Atlanta, GA)

  • March/April 2024—Southeast Blending Conference (TBD)

  • April 12–14, 2024—April ITERO (Anaheim, CA)

  • April 2024—Spring Young People's Conferences (TBD)

  • April 2024—Southeast Sixth Grade Conference (Athens, GA)

  • May 24–27, 2024—International Memorial Day Conference (Bellevue, Washington)

  • June 20–23, 2024—Georgia Summer School of Truth

  • June 26–29, 2024—Bible Camp for Rising Kindergarten–Sixth Grades (Atlanta, GA)

  • July 1–6, 2024—July Semiannual Training (Anaheim, CA)

  • July 2024—College Training (TBD)

  • July–August 2024—European Young People's Conference (Małe Ciche, Poland)

  • August 30–September 2, 2024—Southeast Labor Day Weekend Conference (TBD)

  • October 3–5, 2024—October ITERO (Warsaw, Poland)

  • Fall 2024—Fall Young People's Conferences (TBD)

  • Fall 2024—Korean-speaking Conference (TBD)

  • Fall 2024—Southeast Spanish-speaking Conference (TBD)

  • November 21–24, 2024—International Thanksgiving Conference (TBD)



500 Life-Studies

The Life-study of the Bible is a book-by-book exposition of the entire Bible from the perspective of God’s New Testament economy while ministering spiritual life supply. We encourage all the saints to develop a habit of reading the Life-studies for your spiritual nourishment and growth in Christ. To help the saints, we suggest reading two messages a week according to the following sequential reading: Matthew (72 messages), John (51), Romans (69), Galatians (46), Ephesians (97), Philippians (62), Colossians (65), and Revelation (68), totaling 530 messages. Starting May 1, we will start reading the Life-study of Matthew. Please watch the video below for additional information. Study questions are available for anyone who desires to use them.

Yearly New Testament Reading

To help the saints read through the New Testament once a year, we have prepared a reading schedule on Bible Challenges: Church in Atlanta - 2023 New Testament Reading 2023.

This plan will read through the entire New Testament in one year's time. The plan has one chapter daily from Monday through Saturday and no readings on Lord's day. Please use that time to consider your reading and/or catch up. The Bible (Recovery Version) without footnotes is also available for free on



2024 Gospel Calendar

Living Stream Ministry has released the 2024 Gospel Calendar. Calendars are available for immediate purchase. Pre-ordering is not required. This calendar features traditional Chinese drawings with Scriptures in both Chinese and English and includes American holidays. The size of the calendar is 13–3/8” x 30–5/8”. The list price is $15.00 per calendar. Appropriate sales tax and shipping and handling charges will be added to your order. Please go to (訂購) to place your order.


New Releases This Month

Fellowship concerning the Enjoyment of Christ and a Practical Way for the Lord's Recovery by Witness Lee

$7.25 (retail price)

$9.25 (retail price)


Special Discounts on Select LSM Publications

History and Revelation of the Lord's Recovery

We now have the book, The History and Revelation of the Lord's Recovery (2-volume set), in the D4 book room. Copies are available at LSM's discounted price. The price for the English, Chinese, or Korean version is $10 per set, and the price for the Spanish version is $18 per set.

Life-study of the Pentateuch, Genesis—Deuteronomy (9 volume set - Hardbound)

Special Discount:

SAVE 70.97%

Please note: Sales tax and shipping costs are extra. Continental US only.

Life-Study of the New Testament, Conclusion Messages (5 volume set - Hardbound)

Special Discount:

$186.00 $50.00 plus tax and shipping

SAVE 73.12%

Please note: Sales tax and shipping costs are extra. Continental US only.




We warmly welcome you to the church in Atlanta.  We are believers in Jesus Christ from all backgrounds who gather locally to be the Lord’s testimony in Atlanta. 


2345 Shallowford Rd NE

Atlanta, GA 30345


Thanks for submitting!

Church in Atlanta
PO Box 678
Tucker, GA 30085

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